
Showing posts from December, 2021

Disney's 'First Openly Gay Couple' Lacks Depth

[Image description: Ben and Phastos outside their residence on Earth, one of the most used images for the Disney couple.] Ben: the Eternal's Laura Barton I wanted to do a short review of the character Ben in Eternals because he's in my wheelhouse being gay and MENA and also because he's LITERALLY the first named character played by a MENA actor in the MCU since Iron Man 1's Ho Yinsen and the Ten Rings. Which was a long ass time ago. So, in the same year as the first Muslim characters to appear onscreen since 2008's Iron Man 1 , we also got a side character (an upgrade from a walk on, I guess?) in Ben Stoss, the partner to one of the Eternal's main characters. I'm reviewing Ben only, by the way. I'm not reviewing the movie as I remain unmoved by it and honestly don't care. I am Eternals-ambivalent... possibly leaning into averse because it's Disney. The reason I feel this way is because of how Disney has treated us queer fans