There's Nothing Wrong with Ruby Rose's Acting...


There's Nothing Wrong With Ruby Rose's Acting... 

(You're Just Homophobic)

Let's be real honest here:

There is NOTHING WRONG with Ruby Rose's acting, you're just NOT USED TO SEEING an openly queer and gender fluid actor playing queer roles.

That's why Ruby has haters from all sides, and it's nothing to do with her acting.

Let's break that down a bit.

Since breaking into movies, former model Ruby Rose has been seen the most in the action movie genre. She's played roles opposite lead actors such as Jason Statham (The Meg), Vin Diesel (XXX: The Return of Xander Cage), and Keanu Reeves (John Wick: Chapter 2), to name a few.

Now you look me in the eye and tell me that any of those lead male actors I just listed can ACT. Because they can't, not very well. 

In fact, it's somewhat of a joke that they can't act. How many times has it been mentioned that Keanu can't act but mentioned in a loving, affectionate way. Like, 'aw, he tries, bless him!'

So those actors get a pass because... why? Because they're cis gendered, hetero men who subscribe to conventional beauty standards for a cis gendered hetero man. 

They get a pass for not being great actors because sexism.

What about women in action movies? Well some of the big names there aren't known for their acting chops either, especially the white women. Scarlett Johansson isn't amazing, but it's never harmed her career. Nor Angelina Jolie before her.

In fact, if Ruby Rose had long hair, a few less tattoos, dressed more feminine and hid her sexuality from us (or reframed herself as bisexual or even hetero like many queer actors are forced to do because of Hollywood's desire to market more to a Hetero audience) she'd probably be the next Angelina Jolie in action movie roles.

But because Ruby is openly queer, openly gender fluid, cuts her hair and dresses how she wants (and is unapologetic about it) audiences treat her differently. 

It's misogyny, pure and simple. It's homophobia, specifically queerphobia and lesbophobia.

I've never encountered a white, pretty, Abled actress before where so many people get up in arms over her acting capabilities, yet give a pass to literally half of white Hollywood for the same issue. 

The homophobia may not be stated but I hear it loud and clear.

It's also a shame that Ruby has faced hate from lesbian audiences too, something she has spoken about herself: having been criticised for not fitting in, for not being 'lesbian enough' because she is gender fluid and has always been up front about that.

Unfortunately there are some assholes in the community that go around policing other people's gender expressions and identity, and that's bullshit.

Leave her be.

Honestly, it's ridiculous the amount of negativity that gets directed towards Ruby Rose, and those people need to find a better hobby.

I think Ruby is great. She is great in the action genre, it's a good fit for her. She's great rep for non binary and gender fluid folks, and for Sapphics and queer people who rarely get to see anyone visibly queer onscreen.

The first time I saw Ruby onscreen was her short video on gender presentation titled Break Free

(Note: for safety reasons, please never bind with bandages as shown in the video, it isn't safe for the body. Please use a Binder instead!)

The first movie I saw Ruby in was The Meg, which I enjoyed immensely (what a diverse cast!) and I'm thrilled that she (and most of the cast) have signed on for the upcoming sequel.

The cast of The Meg:

For the record, action movie actors don't NEED to act that well. I mean, who cares? We don't watch Arnie or Sly Stallone for Shakespearean monologues. I can't even hear what Sly Stallone says most of the time, can anyone? And it's never hurt his career.

The action movie genre is what it is, and hires actors who have presence and charisma, and who look good. They don't necessarily hire a Julliard graduate.

Look at Gal Gadot, she can't act either, yet she's been granted all these roles in action movies and nobody is bringing up her acting capabilities or lack thereof.

So let's stop with the pretence that caring about acting skills is why people hate on Ruby Rose. It has nothing to do with acting, and everything to do with homophobia.

It's sad and it needs to stop.


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